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Again, at the start of this weeks session we recapped on what work we have done, will do and what we believe the potential problems are that we may face regarding out project with Gratuu, by having a stand up meeting. Mark also went through what resources he believes will be helpful of run regarding this task, as well as our future University assignments, but he also gave me feedback on how my blog is going so far. He said he did not feel that i had wrote my blogs because they are not showing my true personality, but what really is the correct balance between writing professionally, as well as adding your own spark and humour ? Confusing!

Puzzled: we arranged to meet up with Renate on Monday, to discuss what steps we believe we should take next, however she did not show up. She has sent us some legislation files to read over, so we can be cracking on with that, but us 5 need to plan out and establish what we believe is best to do next.

Mark gave us and ethics form to be completed, that we will ensure is completed by the end of the session, to make sure that we are up to date with our current work, but also to make sure no one is harmed from our research.

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